

Language Resources for Business and Research


Overview of dictionaries Lingvistica develops for you: Details


 Monolingual dictionaries

Frequency wordlists comprise word-forms arranged according to the frequencies of their occurrence in real-life texts, such as in the texts on web sites. Currently available...

A sample of the Latvian frequency wordlist

Lists of word forms comprise all morphological forms of each word, with the corresponding grammatical data: part of speech and subclass characteristics, such as gender, case, etc. An example is the German word list. Each word-form has a reference to the initial form, the lemma, thus making it possible to use such wordlists for efficient web search. For example, searching for ‘Aal’ or ‘aalglatt’ in a search machine, such as Google, the customer will automatically extend his/her search request by adding to it all the morphological forms of the corresponding words:

Currently available...

A sample of the German word forms

Sound dictionaries are word lists along with pronunciation of each word recorded in an mp3 file.
Currently available...

A sample of the Spanish sound database


 Bilingual dictionaries

The numerous bilingual dictionaries have either ‘plain’ entries, just words / phrases and their translations, or, more often, the same and morphological characteristics. In some of the dictionaries, the translations are semantically differentiated, i.e. grouped according to the closeness of their meanings. An example is the English-Spanish dictionary.
Currently available...

A sample of the English-Spanish bilingual dictionary


Lingvistica is also a world renown developer of language software for:


  automatic translation

  language learning

  word search, dictionary and phrasebook look-up

  phonetic keyboard support

  clipart presentation

Contact us:

in Canada phone +1 514 331 0172
e-mail: ling98@videotron.ca

in the Netherlands phone +31 162 313323